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JLF Founding Members

JLF Founding Members

Help Us Grow the Endowment

The Junior League of Flint Endowment Fund was established in 1999 at the Community Foundation of Greater Flint to support the Junior League.

Direct gifts can be made to the endowment  Fund by mail or online at www.cfgf.org.

Checks should be made payable to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint with Junior League of Flint noted in the memo line. Memorial gifts offer a permanent

way to remember friends and relatives, while honorary contributions are a thoughtful way to acknowledge a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion.

You may also establish a permanent legacy by establishing a charitable fund to benefit the Junior League of Flint in perpetuity. The Community Foundation  will honor your name, your charitable intent, your legacy.

The Junior League of Flint seeks to transform the lives of women and children by promoting volunteerism, and educating, empowering and connecting women through effective community action. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

You can give back with a gift to support the Junior League of Flint Endowment Fund.

Society 1928

Stronger Community

Since 1928, the Junior League of Flint has reached out to women of all races, religions, and national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to volunteerism. Hundreds of local women have supported the Junior League of Flint as catalysts for sustainable, positive community change.

Society 1928

The Junior League of Flint is proud to announce Society 1928, a new giving society named for the year the Junior League of Flint was first established by a group of trailblazing women. The Junior League of Flint was one of 100 Leagues established by 1930. Today 160,000 women volunteer in 292 Junior Leagues in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. Individuals who make a gift of $1,928 to the Junior League of Flint Endowment Fund, a designated fund at CFGF, will become lifetime members of Society 1928 and will be honored at an event each spring. 

For more information about joining Society 1928 or establishing a fund, contact Amy Krug  at (810) 767-0464 or akrug@cfgf.org.

JLF Benefits of Society 1928

At the annual dinner each Spring, JLF will pay for the dinners (not alcohol) of the members of the Society 1928.

Society 1928 Members

These wonderful women have joined the Society:

Shannon Easter-White
Cathy Gentry
Bonnie Graff
Dawn Hausch-Cooper
Stephen S. Landaal
Jillian Norwood
Matthew L. Norwood
Sally Peters Branoff
Emily Siler
Ann Marie Van Duyne
Mary Van Duyne
Kim Whitmore

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