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Membership Requirements

The Junior League of Flint has a set of requirements for all women in our organization. For New Member, Active, and Sustaining Members, we have requirements that must be completed in order to maintain each standing.

New Member Requirements

  • Be at least 21 year of age
  • Possess an interest in voluntarism and commitment to community service and an interest in developing the potential of women
  • Pay New Member ($75) and any applicable fees
  • Attend New Member and General Membership Meetings (GMMs) as able from September-May, held at various locations
  • Sign the Junior League of Flint Service Agreement and the Conflict of Interest Policy and adhere to the requirements therein
  • Understand that there may be additional costs of participating in League meetings and activities (e.g. costs incurred for transportations, babysitters, meals)
  • For new membership inquiries, email membership@JLFlint.com

Active Member Requirements

  • Pay annual membership dues ($140) and any applicable fees on or before May 1
  • Attend General Membership Meetings (GMMs) as able
  • Sign the Junior League of Flint Service Agreement and the Conflict of Interest Policy and adhere to the requirements therein
  • Financially support Fundraising activities as able

Sustaining Member Requirements

An Active member in good standing who has completed at least five (7) years of Active service shall, upon written request to the Corresponding Secretary by May 1 and acceptance by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, be granted Sustaining membership.  A Sustaining Member is exempt from all requirements except paying of annual dues. 

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